Kamis, 22 Mei 2008


Yah... ini cuman sedikit cerita tentang FF Boss Battle. Aku maen FF sejak FFVII walaupun itu sudah telat banget. En biasanya aku ga pake guide kecuali nganggur, so battlenya pake logika doang.

Safer Sephiroth (Final Boss): enteng en cupu! Walaupun dia punya SuperNova yg bikin char gw sekarat+"penyakit"(baca: status negatif) macem2, tapi overall dia tuh cupu banget. Empuk! Dipukul kena 9999 trus (char gw senjata terkuat semua). Pertama kali dia kukalahin dg Omnislash-nya Cloud (jdnya kena Omni 2 kali ama terakhir), yg kedua pake Chaos-nya Vincent (maen pertama ga dapet Vincent).
Formasi: Cloud, Tifa, Barret (pertama) en Cloud, Tifa, Vincent (kedua)
Emerald Weapon: ga kuat. Hoki2an ngalahinnya, cuma pake 4 Materia per char. En, pake kombo Dbl Summon Knights OTR+Mime.
Ruby Weapon: kalah terus. Walaupun dah mbunuh 2 temenku sebelum battle, tp tetep aja sulit. Sebelum dia nancepin tangannya ke pasir, aku dah KO. Coba ada Aerith, mungkin bisa menang.

Ultimecia (Final Boss): lama tapi pasti. Gampang, sih! Cuma cepet2 mikir ajah. Mo Hell Judgment-lah, Shockwave Pulsar-lah, tapi dia tuh lemah, apalagi 4 char-ku lv 100 mua.
Yg Weapons, aku ga ngelawan (aku ga perlu Eden). Aku taunya Eden setelah coba nge-cheat GF. Lgpula, Eden animasinya lama en mbosenin. Ga tertarik nyoba nyari, deh.
Formasinya Squall, Rinoa, Zell/Irvine (yg dua laennya ga guna)

Necron (Final Boss): menurutku, masih lebih sulit Kuja. Cuma pake taktik dikit doank. Aku hrs berterimakasih pd Quina coz s/he bnr2 nolongin gw.
Ozma: bos edan! Punya stok "penyakit" banyak en sihir2 yg bner2 sakid. Walaupun MPnya kusedot dg Quina, eh malah MPnya Dagger yg dia sedot. Mate deh klo ga ada Dagger. Tp, krn kebenaran selalu menang, akhirnya aku menang stelah sdkt "maksa".
Formasi dr dua battle di atas adl: Zidane, Dagger, Steiner en Vivi/Quina.

Ultima (Final Boss): hahahaha... 5 lwan 1. Hbis, smua pengawalnya kuhabisan dg mudah duluan. So, dg "formasi emas" Ramza (Lancer), Agrias (Lancer), Orlandu (Holy Swordsman), Mustadio (Chemist) en 1 lagi Calculator gw, dia kena hajar hbis2an.

Yu Yevon: boss terlemah dr semua yg kusebutin, menurut gw. Dia ku-Reflect (so Curaga-nya kna party) en langsung kuhajar dg kombo Blitz Ace-nya Tidus+Attack Reels-nya Wakka (cuma perlu 3 giliran).
Klo Sir Jecht sebelumnya, kupermalukan dg Magus Sisters (4 giliran, coz Mindy makenya Flare, tp dia kna hajar Delta Attack, wahahahah).
Omega Weapon jg gampang sih, cuma Delta Attack+Blitz Ace+Attack Reels+last hit dr Yuna. Ahhh... dungeonnya aja yg nyebelin, bossnya cupu!
Para Boss di Monster Arena gw blum sempat ndapetin semuanya, DVD udah hank (maklum pinjaman)
Formasi gw Tidus, Yuna, en Wakka/Auron.



Ketika menjelang libur Natal, biasanya para murid menjadi malas belajar. Tiba2 bu guru ngadain tes mendadak.

Murid A(setelah mbaca pertanyaan): “Buset dah! Mana gw ga belajar lagi!”

Dia lalu menulis “Hanya Tuhan yag tahu jawabannya. Met Natal” di kolom jawaban.

Libur Natal pun berlalu, dan kertas tes dikembalikan. Alangkah terkejutnya si murid melihat apa yg tertulis di kertas tesnya.

“Tuhan dapat 100, kau dapat 0. Selamat Tahun Baru!!”



Suatu hari, seorang pemuda brewok en berambut gondrong meninggal. Lalu, dia diantar malaikat ke gerbang surga. Di sana dia bertemu St. Petrus.
Petrus: "Hai pemuda, kamu dilarang masuk."
Pemuda: "Lho, kenapa? Kan kata malaikat yg nganter saya, saya bole masuk??"
Petrus: "Iya, tapi, setelah kamu cukur dulu... Surga kan tempat suci, so yg gondrong dilarang masuk."
Si pemuda lalu kembali ke dunia dan potong rambut. Setelah botak kinclong dia kembali ke surga.
Petrus: "Bagus. Kamu bole masuk."
Si pemuda lalu masuk ke surga. Di sana dia melihat seorang brewok en gondrong naek motor Harley kebut2an. Penasaran, dia kembali ke Petrus.
Pemuda: "Td aku liat ada orang brewok naek Harley! Kenapa dia bole masuk surga??"
Petrus: "Hah?? Sssst!!!! Itu Yesus, tauk!!"


Alexander: Might have been named either for the Russian czar of the 1800s or the Macedonian conqueror of the 4th century BC. Czar Alexander was a member of a group called the "Holy Alliance", which fits nicely. Alternatively, Alexander might be named after King Alexander Tycoon from FF5. The word itself is Greek for "defender of man". Alexander the Great theory is the most likely, as this Alexander is a mythological figure. Like King Arthur and Charlemagne, some imaginitive (and often downright bizarre) legends grew up around him. Another theory:In the myth of the Trojan war, Aphrodite and Athena approached the kidnapper of Helen. His name was Paris (in Roman his name was Alexander). He had to choose whichever was more beautiful. Both promised him a gift and said it was a divine (holy) judgement. Athena promised him victory in the war and the power to rule the world, Aphrodite promised to be his bride. Naturally he chose Aphrodite. The trojans lost the war, and Paris went down in history as a fool because of his "Holy Judgement". The large castle refers to the fortifcation of the city of Troy.

Angelo(Rinoa's dog in FF8): Perhaps named after Michelangelo? Plus the "angel" part fits in nicely with Rinoa's "Angel Wing" Sorceress ability.

Anima(FFX): In general, the inner self of an individual; the female side of the male psyche. (The male side of the female psyche was called the animus). Anima and animus have big roles in Xenogears, too (along with everything else psychological). Latin meaning of Anima: "soul, spirit, ghost; breath of life, life; breath; air, wind, breeze".

Ashura: is Indian;it was originally spelled "Ashur". Ashur was the chief god of war and empire. He was always spoiling for a fight, was very mischevious, and was constantly getting in trouble with the other gods. Also, is the origin of the Japanese term "shuraba", where everything is so chaotic that you can't tell what's going on ('shura' from Ashura, and 'ba' = place). Notes: "Ashura means "demon" in Hinduism; it also means "angel" in the Zoroastrian religion (!?)."

Atomos(FF9): This is Greek for "cannot be divided" (it's where the word "atom" comes from).

Bahamut: He's supposed to be a great dragon of some kind, possibly the king of the dragons. But in another story, the world is being held up by an angel standing on a ruby mountain. The mountain lies on top of a bull (sometimes called Kujata, who's in FF7 as Kjata) with four thousand various body parts, which in turn stands on a fish which swims through the darkness. And it turns out that Bahamut is the fish that holds up the world!

Belias(FF12): Comes from the French "Bélier" which means "Aries"

Bismarck: Could be named for the Prussian ruler of the late 1800s, Otto von Bismarck. There was a battleship named for him which was sunk in 1941; this could be the inspiration for the effect of the Bismarck Esper, "Sea Song". Bismarck was not a ruler as a matter of fact. Bismarck was the chancellor but not king of Prussia. He led Wilheim I's army to great victories and under him, the country ruled with uncomparable military might. When Wilheim II came along, Bismarck was basically fired and soon Prussia fell. Bismarck was actually the effective ruler of Germany, since the kaiser at the time was little more than a figurehead.

Carbunkl: A carbuncle is a dark red gem resembling a garnet. In an Arthurian legend, a knight was on a quest to retrieve three things, and one was a carbuncle belonging to a princess. A carbuncle is different from a ruby, so FF5 and FF6's "Ruby Light" (name of Carbuncle's attack) is technically incorrect.In the lore of Spanish and Portugese explorers, a carbunkle was a small furry creature with a gemstone in its forehead that lived in South America". But, some others says,"It was not furry, but a lizard. And the lizard was originally a Muslim princesssorceress who was banned from Africa and came to South America. She talked to Satan himself when she got here (can't remember why) and was cursed to become a lizard with a carbuncle gem on its head. The light emanated from the gem was so that it could blind and stunt humans. But even so, many chased the creature during the 1800s around my state, because it was believed here (close from where I live), was its nest, and whoever found it would have access to the marvelous Jarau hill, a hidden cavern where one would find the most valuable of treasures." Others quotes a poem called Parzival, by Wolfram von Eschenback, which describes a unicorn with a carbuncle on its head, beneath its horn. This probably fits better with the healingprotection properties of the summon Carbuncle, but the summon doesn't actually resemble a unicorn, so one of the other theories is probably a better bet.

Catoblepas: A catoblepas is supposedly a being who lives in the forests and can turn enemies to stone merely by glancing at them. Well, this is just what he does in FF5. His attack is called "Akuma no Hitomi" which means "Devil's Eye". "Catoblepas" means "that which looks down". Others clarifies: "Catoblepas is originally a Lybian Medusa, a bull whose horns were so heavy it couldn't raise its head; thankfully, because its gaze had the power to petrify living beings."

Cerberus(FF8): The triple-headed dog who guards Tartarus, the Greek version of Purgatory.

Cyclops(FF Tactics): A one-eyed giant out of Greek legend. Supposedly they gave up their eye to be able to see the future, but the only day they were able to see was the day of their own death. There are various similar myths, but trust me, this one does exist.

Daigoro(Yojimbo's dog on FF10): I think I've spelt the name right but Yojimbo's dog Daigoro in FFX also shares the same name with a character out of a series of Japanese film and manga. They featured the main character, a deposed Samurai executioner called Lone Wolf, who pushes his infant son Daigoro around in a pram all over Japan, killing all who cross his path. The kid also gets involved in fights as his 'baby cart' (the title for many of the series of films) has various hidden blades and firearms all over it which come out at the flick of his hand. It could be that the name itself means something relevent but I don't know the translation.

Diablos(FF8): "Diablo" means "devil" (hence the name for the popular PC game). The name is actually plural ("devils"), which may be referring to the many bats that come together to form Diablos in his summon animation. However, the word came from the original Latin "Diabolos" or "Diabolus", meaning devil.

Eden(FF8): It's been postulated by a correspondent that Eden is a Garden like Balamb Garden, which would fit in with the name "Eden", as in the Garden of Eden (aka Heaven) from the Bible.

Fenrir(FF9): Also known as the Fenris Wolf. In Nordic mythology, the dwarves gave the gods a magical rope which they used to chain Fenrir up in Asgard. Being the child of Loki, the Fenris Wolf was unchained at Ragnarok to do battle with the gods. This is where Odin meets his doom; Fenrir eats him. In another version, Fenrir is supposed to eat the sun at Ragnarok.

Garuda: The bird that Vishnu rode on in Hindu legend. Garuda is the king of all birds and supposedly can carry several gods without impediment. Garuda represents good, and can sense evil in its vicinity.

Golem: Jewish mythology tells us that a golem is a creature made out of mud and brought to life when a righteous person inscribes the word "emet" (truth) on them. They are destroyed by rubbing out one of the letters, making the word "met" - death - which dries mud and makes the golem fall apart. The most famous golem, and indeed the one usually referred to as the Golem, was purportedly created by Rabbi Judah Loewe of Prague, also known as the Maharal, to fight against the anti-Semitism of the time. It's said that the Golem, once it had fulfilled its duties, became a janitor in the Altneushul ("Old-New" synagogue) in Prague, and after the Maharal's death it went up to the attic of the synagogue, and never came down.

Grasharaboras (Doomtrain from FF8): That this is a demon from purgatory in Japanese legend. But, this monster's name is a mistransliteration of Glasya Labolas, a demon of the Goetia.

Hades: as you probably know, is the Greek word for hell, or the underworld. It doubles as the name for the god of the underworld.

Hydra: was a legendary monster with multiple heads. It was said that if you cut off one head, two would regenerate to take its place. It actuall y means water-dwelling so ironically it is more apt for the creature in V then the real myth.

Ifrit: Originally spelled "Efreet". Efreeti are fire djinns from the elemental plane of fire who lived in the City of Brass. Ifrit means "the devil" in Arabic; however, However, Ifrit is an embodiment of fire.

Indraa: was the chief of the Vedic gods and controlled rain and thunder. He flew through the sky on his solar chariot.

Ixion(FFX): A character in Greek myth; he pissed off the gods first by killing his father-in-law and then by sleeping with Hera, and was condemned to be stuck to a flaming, spinning wheel in Hades for all eternity; he's also known as the father of the centaurs, which is I guess why they named the horse-shaped aeon after him. IXION actually mated with a simulacrum of Hera that Zeus created out of mist to find out if he lusted after his wife. Don't ask me why the false Hera gave birth to centaurs, though.

Jihad(Crusader in FF6) - In the original FF6 this Esper was called Jihad. Jihad means sort of like "crusade", thus the English name "Crusader". Sometimed "Jihad" is translated as "holy war". The reason the name was changed for the US version is probably that some Americans think of the group Islamic Jihad when they hear the name. But in reality, Jihad doesn't imply anything evil. "Jihad" in Arabic means "The cosmic battle between good and evil." According to Islam, all people fight this battle within their minds. It originates from Zoroasterianism. Ahura Mazda was composed of Spenta Mainyu and Angra Mainyu, the Holy and Evil Spirits. [Note that some extremists such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad do translate it in the literal sense, hence all the violence.]

Kirin: Kirin is a province in northeasten China, and also the name of a city in that province, a city on the Sungari River. This isn't to be confused with the Japanese "kirin" (which means giraffe). Also there's a being called a "qilin" in Chinese myths. It's an imaginary creature that is part horse and part dragon. The male is called "Ki", and the female is called "Rin". It is capable of flying, and sparks of lightning shoot out from its hooves. Kirin live for 1000 years and are considered good luck. Supposedly Genghis Khan was planning to invade India when his scouts happened upon a green talking qilin; the qilin convinced Khan to end his war plans. A famous legend surrounding K'i-lin was that one came to a woman named Yen Chen-tsai and gave her a jade tablet. On this tablet was a prophecy that she would become the mother of a "throneless king." Yen Chen-tsai would have a son, Confucius, who never ruled China, but accomplished quite a lot. Actually, a "kirin" is different from a "quilin" and a "k'i-lin"; it's a messenger from the gods, a small being about the size of a dog, but is has a mane of fire.

Kujata/Kjata(FF7) is from the Bahamut legend. He's the bull with numerous body parts that sits beneath the mountain, supporting the world, which is probably why he has a multi-elemental attack.

Knights of the Round: This refers to King Arthur's twelve Knights of the Round Table. Two of them were Uwain and Lancelot.

Lamia: Lamia was, in ancient Greek and Roman mythology, a hideous creature who kidnapped and murdered children. She was originally a beautiful woman who was loved by the Gree god Zeus. A jealous Hera snatched away her children and turned her into the creature that she became. The name 'Lamia' was gradually used to categorise a type of child-snatching daemon that ate the flesh of its victims. In modern mythology, the lamia is a type of female vampire.

Leviathan: The Leviathan was a legendary sea monster, gigantic in size, that would send ships to a watery doom. "Leviathan" is of Hebrew origin. Being more specific, the Leviathan is supposed to surface in the times of the Messiah. The Messiah is supposed to kill it and make a sukkah (a kind of hut or as they call it in fancy language "tabernacle") out of its skin. Some say that the fish that swallowed Jonah was a leviathan, but they're mixing up two legends. A book called The Encyclopedia of Angels which lists Leviathan as: "One of the demonic angels who is associated with the primordial deep of the sea. Leviathan (a Hebrew name means "that which gathers itself in folds") is associated with Rahab, angel of the sea. Leviathan is personified as and enormous whale who is impervious to all weapons."

Odin: The number-one Norse god, the god of thunder, war, wisdom, and honor. One of the three sons of Borr, he was the most noble and is the father of some of the other Norse gods. Thus he can slice up just about anybody as a Esper. He's famed for having one eye. Odd that in FF he still has both of 'em. 8-). Odin isn't the god of thunder in norse mythology; that's Thor. He is the god of death (as well as wisdom, war, poetry, and honor) which is probably why his attack always instantly kills enemies. But, others refuses, Odin was not the god of death. In Norse mythology, Hela is. Odin is the 'sky-father,' and he wears a gray-blue cloak and hood. Two ravens, Hugin and Munin (Thought [or Love] and Memory) fly about at day, watching the human race, and at night they report back to Odin what they saw. Odin does not partake in the great feasts. Instead, he gives everything on his plate to two wolves at his feet." Odin carries the lance Gungnir, hence the Gunge Lance attacks in FF5 and FF7. But Odin most definitely is a god of the dead. There can be more than one god covering a 'portfolio'. Hela is a goddess of the dead and rules in Hel but has no choice over who comes to her realm. Odin is a psychopomp, a chooser of the dead and guide of the dead. He had first pick of the dead along with Freya, another goddess of the dead (amongst other things). Odin was also a storm god, which included thunder, it was just that Thor specialised in ThunderLightning.

Pandemona/Pandemonium(FF8): Has the same name as a Place from FF2.

Palidor: Might refer to a paladin; a knight like Cecil from FF4. Palidor's Japanese name - Quetzali - is a rare tropical bird from Central America. No, it does not refer to Quetzalcoatl; see that entry for more.

Phoenix: The "Phoenix" was supposedly a legendary fiery bird that rose from the ashes of death every 500 years. Thus the Phoenix Esper is related to the resurrection of dead characters, and fire attacks.

Quezacotl: Quetzalcoatl (probably not enough room to write the whole name), also known as the Feathered Serpent, is a god of the ancient Aztecs. Aztek name: Quetzalcoatl. Pronounced Ket-Sal-Ko-Atl. He is the god of wind, knowledge and priesthood and it was foreseen that he would once return to get his terrible revenge because he had been banished from a city some time in the past. People feared that he would destroy everything. Since Moctezuma thought Cortez (the Spanish conqueror) was Quetzalcoatl, and Cortez proceeded to destroy the Aztec civilization, the ultimate-revenge myth sort of came true.Mexican natives of the Yucatan pronounce Quetzacoatl "ket-sa-caught-ull". Quetzacoatl was both a God and a real man. Supposedly, Quetzacoatl had been the leader of the Aztec nomads whom founded Tenochtitlan (aka, Present day Mexico City) at Lake Texcoco. His complete name is, in náhuatl (aztec dialect): "Ce Ácatl Topiltzin Quetzalcóatl", which means something like: "One Reed Our Prince Quetzalcoatl". Quetzalcoatl was the Aztec god of the sun - he was assigned to keep the balance between light and dark by preventing his counterpart, the night god Tezcatlipoca, from taking over the world. Tezcatlipoca was too afraid of Quetzalcoatl to make any attempt on the world.

Raiden: "Raiden" can mean "thunder" (rai, as in 'kaminari') and "Lightning" (den, 'electricity') in Japanese, but in FF6j it's "Raijin". Raijin is the god of thunder. But... Raijin can also mean "fast-moving thunder", and that's how it's spelled in the FF series. (I didn't think this name was *that* complicated...). Raiden, the lightning god, was a character in the popular Mortal Kombat fighting game series, and that may be why the translators changed the name, figuring this name would be more recognizable.

Ramuh: Could be Rama, the hero of an epic Indian poem, the Ramayana. He is handsome, brave, and a model individual. After many trials and tribulations, he becomes king, and it is revealed that Rama is actually the god Vishnu in human form. The intended creature is the god Lahmu (alternately Lamu). No Ramuh exists, but Lamu is fairly widely-known. Note that Ramuh and Lahmu would be spelled identically in Japanese. In the legend of Atlantis, in which Ra-mu is the name of the wise king of Mu, the empire rival to Atlantis in those ancient times. According to this tale, mainly based on a free interpretation of the indian poem Mahabaratha, these two great nations declared war to each other millennia ago. They both possessed high technologies (thousands of years before Christ!) through which Atlantis ruled the western part of the world and Mu the eastern. They both could develop atom bombs, used flying ships and had powerful weapons, so the war between them was destructive. A world-scale atomic conflict made Atlantis fall in the depths of the Ocean and completely annihilated Mu, so humankind had to slowly regain scientific discoveries,no one survived to teach the others the amazing Atlantidean techs and the ancient artifacts from those times were considered magic tools of the gods. Probably Ramuh (a wise old man who possesses awesome powers) is the 'japanese version' of Ra-Mu.

Remora: A remora is a small creature which attaches itself to a shark and eats parasites off of his skin, a symbiotic relashionship.

Salamander(FFTactics): A fire lizard which, in Egyptian hieroglyphics, is represented by a human form pinched to death with the cold. It would use the coldness of its body to quench the fire that it lived in. The word derives from Greek "salamandria". I've seen it mentioned in the Talmud as "Salamandra" - a being created using witchcraft to make a fire burn continuously for seven years; it is then created from the fire. Spreading salamander blood on a human is supposed to make him impervious to fire. According to medieval philosopher Paracelsus, Salamander was one of the four Elemental creatures, the Fire Elemental.

Shiva: Shiva is a god from Indian myths which had multiple heads and arms. Shiva was called "The Destroyer" and had lots of powerful weapons. But in the mythology, Shiva has many other powers besides the Ice attribute in Final Fantasy. A member of the triad that includes Vishnu and Brahma. Note that the Hindu Shiva is a male. The original Japanese spells her name "Siva"; Siva is also a Hindu deity, but a female one (and hence more believable as to the real name). However, there's only one Hindu deity. It can be spelled either Siva or Shiva, but should be pronounced Shiva. It's male, but can appear as a female. Other says and indicates that Siva is actually a Slavic goddess whose name is nevertheless pronounced "Shiva" or "sheeva", and whose name means "living, being, existing". Often in Hindi words the S is pronounced as "Sh", hence how you say "Ashura" rather than "Asura." Shiva is often spelled as Siva, but for those who are unfamiliar with the old spelling, the name "Shiva" is usually used instead. Shiva did have a female form, but it mainly recognized by certain sub-cultures of Hinduism (Mainly practiced in southern India, I believe). It's easy to see why they thought Shiva was a woman, because of his long hair and face. Men and women's faces often look the same in Hindu art. You have to look at their clothes and bust (Obviously :P) to tell. I hope this helps.

Shoat: A shoat is a young hog weighing between 100 and 180 pounds. Shoat appears as a rather grotesque hogpig, hence the name. But in FF6j, Shoat is Catoblepas. Look under "Catoblepas" above.

Silf/Sylph(FFTactics): A name for a fairy. Usually it has slightly different connotations, however (usually sylphs are full-sized). According to medieval philosopher Paracelsus, Sylph was one of the four Elemental creatures, the Wind Elemental. Sylphs are insubstantial and tiny (Ariel, the chief sylph, talks of imprisoning any sylph that fails to do his duty will be imprisoned in a bottle, and one of the sylphs is accidentally cut in half by a pair of scissors). In The Rape of the Lock sylphs are the spirits of maidens whose personalities corresponded with the element of air (they become male after dying, apparently; Ariel is repeatedly called 'he'). Women who were prudish and associated with earth would become gnomes; women who had fiery tempers woould become salamaders, and women who were sweet like water would become nymphs. From what I've read, Pope took all this from Rosicrucian traditions, which is probably just built on Parclesus' philosophies. Also note that Ariel is a fairysylphspirit in Shakespeare's The Tempest, also supposedly male.

Siren: Well, here's another Odyssey influence. When Ulysses and his men sail past the Sirens, their beautiful singing voices tempt the men to their doom (thus the musical notes that float across the screen). Ulysses escapes the deadly Sirens by inserting beeswax in his men's ears so they can keep rowing and not hear the Sirens. He lashes himself to the mast of his ship so he won't be able to leave the ship.

Sraphim: A seraph is a kind of angel in Hebrew; plural of that is "sraphim" or "seraphim".

Starlet (Lakshmi): In FF6, this Esper is called Lakshmi (Rakushumi). Lakshmi is the goddess of good and bad fortune in Indian mythology. She sat on a giant floating lotus watching people. When she looked at you with one eye, it meant that you would have good luck, and the other eye meant bad luck. "Starlet" has a double meaning - a small bird or a young star (TV, music etc). Lakshmi was Rama's brother in the story of RamakienRamayana. When Rama (who was the human incarnation of Vishnu) was exiled from his kingdom for fifteen years, Rama and his wife, Sita, went to the forest. Out of loyalty Lakshmi also went with his brother to the forest. I'm guessing Lakshmi was also a incarnation of a deity as the rest of the trio was. Lakshmi was probably the human incarnation To clarify, Rama's brother was "Lakshman," not "Lakshmi." Lakshmi was Vishnu's wife. Lakshman isn't directly related to Lakshmi.

Stray: Probably refers to a stray cat, since the effect is called "Cat Rain" and confuses the enemies (causing them to go astray, I suppose).

Terrato: In FF6j he's Midgarsorm, also known as the Midgard Serpent. (Yet another alias is Iormungandr, also spelled Jormungand.) It is an offspring of Loki along with Fenrir. Living beneath the ocean, it encircles the Earth and remains there, waiting for the final battle, Ragnarok, where it will help destroy the gods. Supposedly the only weapon capable of hurting Iormungandr is Thor's hammer, Mjolnir. The Midgard Serpent was blamed for earthquakes; that might explain TERRATO's special attack, "terato" is a combining form meaning "monster", coming from the Greek "teras". The extra R would indicate the earth-elemental attack.

Titan: A giant out of Greek legend. They were encountered by Ulysses on his famous ten-year Odyssey returning home from the Trojan War. Another version has them having numerous cataclysmic clashes with the gods. The Titans were actually Zeus's parents, aunts, and uncles. When Gaia and Uranus got together the 12 Titans were created. These Titans included Oceanus, Coeus, Crius, Hyperion, Iapetus, Theia, Rhea, Themis, Mnemosyne, Phoebe, Tethys, and Cronus. From Cronus and Rhea we get many of the better known gods, including Zeus.

Tritoch: He's called Valigarmanda in FF6j. Since it's supposed to teach spells from 3 elements i just assumed it was an amalgamation of three mythological beings, Vali (the Norse god of eternal light and also the world's greatest archer), Garm (the monstrous hound that guards the gates to Helheim in Norse myth) and the Salamande. Vali comes from Vritra who "was one of the asuras, perhaps the most powerful of them all. His name means "Enveloper." He was a dragon or serpent who was said to be so huge that his coils surrounded mountains, and his head touched the sky. He was the bringer of drought, and his chief enemy was Indra." The description matches the body of Valigarmanda, also Vritra appeared in "Bahamut Lagoon" as Valitora. Gar comes from Garuda, the hindu mythical bird that appeared in FF2. And Manda should be Mandah: "An Arabian category of gods who provide irrigation and who are also a kind of protecting deities."

Typoon(FF7): Originally "Chupon" from FF6, but the translator was probably thinking of "typhoon", a kind of tropical storm. Typhon was a horrifying offspring of Gaia and Tartarus. His mate was a monster known as Echidna (head of a nymph and body of a serpent), and their offspring were many monsters such as the Chimera, Sphinx, and Hydra. Typhon had hundreds of heads, with eyes dripping venom and lava for drool, and hissed and roared like a hundred snakes and a hundred lions. (not exactly like ChuponTyphon in FF6 & FF7 but you get the idea)
Supposively, the gods were terrified at the sight of them, and they changed into animals and fled. Eventually Zeus regained his courage and turned around to face Typhon, and so did the other gods. Soon an epic battle raged, as Typhon kept hurling mountains (literally) at the gods. Eventually, when Typhon tried to throw Mount Aetna at them, Zeus countered with hundreds of thunderbolts, causing the mountain to fall on Typhon, pinning him underneath, which continued to belch lava and fumes from the mountain in his "prison."

Unicorn: A unicorn is a mythical one-horned horse-like animal. Unicorns are said to be good luck. The "Heal Horn" in FF6 is a reference to a unicorn's single horn. (The Kirin is a kind of unicorn, by the way)

Valefor (FF10): from a book on demonology called "Fallen Angels...and Spirits of the Dark" by Robert Masello: "VALEFAR-,a duke, gave the orders to robbers and brigands who attacked innocents. He was usually depicted as having the head of a thief and the body of a lion. Valefor is the Sixth Spirit listed in the Goetia, a duke who governs 10 Legions of spirits. He usually appears as a lion with an ass's head. Possibly could be from Vauel-Faur, an Occultian deamon bird said to be the demon of birds and the arch-nemisis of Arael the angel of birds.

Yojimbo (FF10): Japanese for "bodyguard", he may be named after "a 1961 Akira Kurosawa film which inspired 'A Fistful Of Dollars' and in fact the whole Spaghetti Western genre. The eponymous hero is a cynical, mercenary ronin (masterless samurai) who is caught between to rival gangs in a town in 1860's Japan. In addition to what was already said, before Yojimbo meant bodyguard, a yojimbo was the word used to describe ronin (ex-samurai) who would sell their services to whoever needed them. Whether it was bodyguarding, or assasination, although the later wasn't really used much (ronin fought battles, not kill independently).

ZoneSeek: Zone Seek teaches you Rasp and Shell, and casts Shell on your party in battle. Maybe the Shell refers to seeking a "safe zone"...?

Rabu, 14 Mei 2008


Yoshhh.... ini adalah simbol dari ke-13 Esper di FFXII. Searah jarum jam (dr plg bwah Zalera (Gemini), Ultima (Virgo), Adrammelech (Capricorn), Hashmal (Leo), Mateus (Pisces), Belias (Aries), Famfrit (Aquarius), Chaos (Taurus), Chuchulainn (Scorpio), Exodus (Libra), Shemhazai (Sagittarius), Zeromus (Cancer), en yg di tengah itu Zodiark (Ophiucus).
FFXII menggunakan zodiak sebagai ide dari wujud Espernya (walaupun ada yg ga mencerminkan sama sekali :P)

Sabtu, 10 Mei 2008

FF7 Chars Name Origin

Cloud Strife
Both "cloud" and "strife" are English words.

-Cloud’s Christian name alludes to his mysterious, unclear past and his unpredictable development in the future: his memory is ‘clouded’, he has his ‘head in the clouds’ and no one knows what his next move will be. In nature, clouds do not move by themselves but are driven by the wind. Likewise, Cloud’s development is influenced by others rather than by his own decision. At first, Sephiroth/Jenova is controlling him; later, it is Tifa who has to show him his true nature.
-"Strife" illustrates Cloud’s aggressive behavior towards others, as well as his inner fight that is the central conflict of the story. In the last duel between Cloud and Sephiroth, this fight finds its conclusion.

Aeris (Aerith) Gainsborough (Gast)
The Latin word "aeris" translates into "air; atmosphere; cloud; aether".

-"Air" and "atmosphere": this seems to be an allusion to Aeris’ connection to nature and her importance to the planet. Without air and an atmosphere, there would be no life. C.f. her first Limit Break, the "Healing Wind".
~The translation "cloud" implies that there is some kind of mystical connection between Aeris and Cloud Strife; like Cait Sith says, they are "made for each other".
~"Aerith" is an anagram of "I Earth"
~The word Aeris is pronounced similarly to "heiress", which aptly illustrates Aeris’ role as the last Cetra and the rightful heir to the planet.

This name derives from the Kabbala, a religious lore that has its origins in Jewish mysticism:
"At the Creation," explains Kabbalist spokesman Steve Edelman, "God sent out a pulse of energy into the void. It presently branched and sorted into ten distinct spheres or aspects, corresponding to the numbers 1-10. These are known as the Sephiroth. To return to God, the soul must negotiate each of the Sephiroth, from ten back to one. Armed with magic and faith, Kabbalists have set out to conquer the Sephiroth. Many Kabbalist secrets have to do with making the trip successfully.
"Now the Sephiroth fall into a pattern, which is called the Tree of Life. It is also the body of God. Drawn among the ten spheres are 22 paths. Each path corresponds to a letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and also to one of the cards called 'Major Arcana' in the Tarot.
"Some Sephiroth are active or masculine, others passive or feminine. But the Tree itself is a unity, rooted exactly at the Bodenplatte. It is the axis of a particular Earth, a new dispensation, brought into being by the Great Firing."
(Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon, p. 753)

–The character Sephiroth tries to become a god by destroying the planet, hence the religiously connoted name. Also, Kabbalists believe that mastering the Tree of Life is a method to achieve divine enlightenment, and that’s basically what Hojo wants Sephiroth to do: "Ha, ha, ha...... Go beyond the powers of science...Before your presence, science is powerless...". The ‘Great Firing’ that brings a new world into being reminds us of the Nibelheim accident where Sephiroth becomes insane.

The Hebrew name of God is Jehovah. The last two syllables of Jenova, ‘–nova’, translate into ‘new’.
Jenova is a ‘new god’, or wants to become one. She’s an usurper trying to rob the powers of the planet.

Tifa Lockheart
‘Tiferet’ is the central aspect of the Tree of Life (see above). Lockheart is composed of the English words ‘to lock’ and ‘heart’.

-The sefirot Tiferet represents beauty, balance and love- a description that applies fairly well to the role of the character, Tifa. Also, Tifa is the one who saves Cloud through her love and Christian Kabbalists believe that Tiferet symbolizes self-sacrifice and "the will to carry one’s neighbor’s cross". On Tarot cards, Tiferet is pictured as a heart (as in Lockheart!), and sometimes as an angel (Tifa’s bar is called the "Seventh Heaven" and her last Limit Break is the "Final Heaven").

-Her surname, Lockheart, illustrates her natural shyness and inability to express her love for Cloud. And the key to Cloud’s past is "locked" in her "heart".

Side Characters:

Vincent Valentine
The Latin verb "vincere" translates into "to conquer, outlast, defeat"; St. Valentine is a Christian Saint protecting lovers.
-"to outlast" would be the most fitting translation for ‘vincere’ since Vincent sleeps in the basement of the Shin-Ra Villa for almost 30 years.
-Vincent’s sub-plot with Lucrecia is a tragic love story, hence his surname.

The prefix "euphe" in Old Greek translates into "joy", "happiness"
–I don’t think it’s too much of a stress to say that Yuffie is a lively, outgoing or downright goofy character, so the name suits her well.

Barret Wallace
Could be a reference to the 13th century Scottish rebel William Wallace a.k.a. Braveheart (yes, the one in the movie).
-After all, both are leaders of an uprising against a tyrant government. Also, both of them are fighting to avenge their dead wifes.

Goes back to a family of hereditary regents to the shogunate of Japan who exercised actual rule from 1199 to 1333. During that period, nine successive members of the family held the regency. The Hojo took their name from their small estate in the Kanogawa Valley in Izu Province.
-Hojo = power. There may be a more subtle meaning to this, but I fail to see it. Any Japanese out there willing to help me?

Cait Sith
The name is of Gaelic origin and translates into "fat cat".
-In Irish fairy-tales, Cait Sith is the protagonist of countless "King of the Cats" stories. That’s why Cait Sith in FF7 is carrying a crown.

An English word meaning:
1. The local representative of the king in a shire until the early 13th century.
2. (In medieval England) A manorial steward who supervised the daily affairs of the manor.
3. (In Canadian government) A president of a local council, especially in a rural area
4. (Formerly) A minor local official
-I think that most of these descriptions match up with Reeve's position. He's the representative for the Urban Development area for Midgar, under President Shinra who is more or less the 'King' of Midgar. He supervises the day-to-day running of the city, he's the president of the 'local council' of Urban Development and as such is a minor local official.

-a person wearing two crossed palm leaves as a sign of a pilgrimage made to the Holy Land
-wife of G. H. American educator; president, Wellesley Coll
-American chiropractor; founder of chiropractic in America
-American scholar & educator; author of The Odyssey of Homer (translation), The Field of Ethics, etc.
-Several geographic areas are named Palmer (all in the antarctic region)
-The Palmer in the game seems to be the direct opposite of these definitions (Palmer was not a man with two crossed palm leaves, or a scholar, and certainly not the author of a book about ethics). Unless the Square designers thought Palmer looked like a penguin from the Antarctic region, I don't see a connection.

Lucrecia was a woman who was raped by Tarquinius, the last Roman king. "The Rape of Lucrece" is a poem by Shakespeare based on this.
-This is a strong allusion to the way Lucrecia conceives her child, Sephiroth. Either Hojo raped her (which the story does not necessarily suggest) or the name is just intended to show that Hojo’s experiment are "a rape of nature", an unnatural act.

Latin for "the red one".
-Rufus has red hair.

"Leno" is Latin for "brothel keeper", "squanderer" or "pimp" (the letters R and L and monophone in Japanese).

English Synonym for "impolite"
–Rude doesn’t like to socialize and isn’t very talkative at all, so the name befits him quite well

An alternate form of Eleanor, meaning light.
–Perhaps because she has blonde hair?

A bright shade of red.
-She wears a red dress. This also suggests a connection to Rufus (see above). The Shin-Ra logo is also red, so maybe the colour red is meant to represent Shin-Ra.

Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) was a famous German philosopher best known for his existentialist theories. Also, during World War II, there was a Wehrmacht general called Heidegger.
-Maybe Shin-Ra’s Heidegger was modeled after the Wehrmacht general. I don’t know much about the general, but if he was part of the nazi war machinery, he most likely committed war crimes.
~Some of Martin Heidegger’s existentialist theories could have influenced the authors of Final Fantasy VII. It would take too long to explain this in detail, but if you are interested in Heidegger’s works, simply do a Yahoo! search.

Don Corneo
"Corneo" is Latin for "made of horn" or "horny" (sic!).
-Umm... err...
~The name Don Corneo also bears a vague resemblance to Don Corleone from The Godfather

~Probably of Egypt origin, translates into "Dark God" and is used to describe a mythological creature similar to a vampire.
-Shin-Ra, Inc. is evil, hungers for power and seeks total world domination- hence "dark god". Also, they rely heavily on Jenova’s powers.
-Barret: "It [Mako energy]'s the life blood of the planet. But Shinra keeps suckin' the blood out with these machines." Quite vampiric.

Johannes Bugenhagen (1485-1558) was one of the "founding fathers" of the early Protestant church in Europe and a close friend of Martin Luther. He helped organizing the Reformation in Northern Germany and Scandinavia and became a famous theologian and scholar as well as an expert in matters of public education and social questions.
-Bugenhagen’s name illustrates his wisdom and his reputation as a man who is master of both religious lore and science/technology.

In Latin, the nomen "cetra" describes a small military shield that was used in the Roman army.
-The Cetra are the defenders of the planet.

Gorky and Chekhov
These two bosses appear in Yuffie’s pagoda. Their names derive from the famous (dead) Russian writers Anton P. Chekhov and Maxim Gorky.
-One of the other bosses in the pagoda is called Shake- possibly an allusion to Shakespeare, making the pagoda a veritable Dead Poets Society. Another boss, Yuffie’s father, is called Godo. This may be a stretch, but he could be named after Godot from Samuel Beckett's "Waiting for Godot".